But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus...

Life is full of ups and downs, peaks and valleys. What humans don't like about life...is the trials, pain, suffering, emptiness, hopelessness. Oh Lord! But if that's what it takes to praise You, to learn love, joy, peace, patience to love You, to realize how beautiful and glorious You are, to realize how much You love me, if that's what it takes to give up ownership over my life and surrender it all to You! Jesus... BRING THE RAIN! May God be glorified...May He be lifted higher!



I really like this, I was like "woah" when I read the last part haha.

Donald Miller was basically criticizing people for studying theology too much. He said that it gave rise to "divisions in evangelicalism." He has a point to consider, but theology is still important.


Taken from The Gospel Coalition blog:

This is a broad discussion, and I could say much more, but I will suggest just one other major response to Miller: Scholarship, or theology, or whatever you want to label it, is not the enemy of lived Christianity. Theology, when done biblically, gives life. It is eminently practical. Faithful Christian scholars and theologians necessarily engage in an intensely practical task: teaching ideas that will shape the life of the student and the lives of those the student will affect. I issue a friendly challenge to Miller: Find me some teaching that produces “just thought, not action.” Isn’t Miller doing a form of teaching in his post that is intended to stimulate thought—and isn’t this thought intended to provoke action?


"You see, knowing theology is not just a mental game where you try and collect random bits of information to impress your friends at dinner parties. Knowing your theology, and knowing this truth in particular, will impact on all areas of your life. Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever."

-Paul Wicking




What if this mindset, which I am sure most theologians share in the beginning of the academic journey, gets lost and turns into something that they think is they passion and love they started out with but just can not see it?

antwoine, I don't quite understand what you're asking,

good question...I think haha

you are asking what if theologians say that theology is practical but aren't applying their theology?

Yeah, that's tough, that definitely happens, it happens to me sometimes. I realize that that can happen, sounds like a hopeless situation. A theologian who just can't see. But as we run into this hopeless situation, may we use our situation to understand better that we can only put full faith in God and ask Jesus Christ for help.

What do you think?

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