So I just got back from the freshmen beach trip. It is summer time so I guess we're not really freshmen anymore, but rather incoming sophomores. (Some people, such as Vincent, call us "Freshmores")
The people who went were Wilkin, Suzie, Cheryl, Angel, Eunkyu Lee (haha), Minsung, Vincent, Jarren, Mikey, Albert, and me. Pictures taken from Cheryl Tam, Wilkin Cheung, and Vincent Ho. I hope you all don't mind, tee hee thanks guys! hahaha =D
We went to Virginia Beach. It was relaxing and stressful at the same time. I am actually really tired right now and was throughout the whole trip. During car rides I would basically just fall asleep. And if no one is talking to me, I become so sleepy. The only reason I was able to stay awake all the time was because I was always busy doing stuff and going through constant interactions with other people. I am so sleepy right now typing. I feel like I am in a college lecture room right now...
Anyways, I'll just run through what we did:
Friday: (I only know these times because it was part of the itinerary and anyways I have good memory for small things, especially social things =P)
7:40am: Alarms go off
7:50am: Wake up finally
8:40am: Wilkin picks me up and Albert is already in the car, we pick up Vincent (he smiles before entering the car like always), we head towards the university
9:30: Arrive at university, meet Mikey at stamp
Later: Angel and Jarren arrive...we all go get number 2 from the Mcdonalds menu haha except Wilkin and Mikey...then Cheryl and Suzie arrive. Then we distribute snacks that we each individually bought and take a while to get ready to leave XD
I rode with Cheryl and Suzie and then Jarren and Mikey rode with Angel and then Albert and Vincent rode with Wilkin.
We drove for quite some time (until 2?) until we all decided to go use the bathroom at a truck stop haha. Then we drove for an even longer time...I don't know exactly but I think we all went to use the bathroom again at some other place...? maybe for gas?
We finally got to our destination at like around 6? So it was like 7 hours of driving because of traffic, there was a 7 mile back up and we were thinking about taking local routes the last 30 minutes, but it took like two more hours because we were supposed to arrive at 3:50 according to the GPS...We checked in and everything and decided to go eat dinner since we haven't eaten all day and walked around the boardwalk, or not boardwalk but the beach/beach stores/beach restaurants...
We ate at some place with American food. Me and Vincent got philly cheese steaks and mozzarella sticks...each stick was worth one dollar...haha amazing, what a rip off...Jarren ate our leftovers...haha after already eating so much in Angel's car on the way to the beach.
Then we walked around and saw some guy playing with fire in the street. He was trying to do a magic show, but I thought of him more as a comedian because his tricks weren't all that great.
We also saw some people doing open air preaching. They were holding up signs that were telling people to repent. However there was no one there listening or stopping. Not even we did.
Then we went to a haunted house. I wasn't too scared about it. But then I went in and it was only me, Vincent, and Mikey. It was really dark, I was actually scared, I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. There were no strange noises I can't remember, but there were weird pictures. It was mostly just weird pictures and statues. Occasionally a puff of air or splash of water, or some random loud noise. It was so dark, I was walking into walls. I originally started walking slow because I heard there were going to be people trying to separate us? And also I kept hearing screams, I was really scared and in anticipation the whole time for something REALLY scary. I was walking really fast towards the end and me and Vincent realized that there was nothing scary at all. Even the scary voices that the workers did...honestly the quality of the intercom was bad, like it was probably the same as a school intercom or even like the ones from McDonalds asking to take my order. "ooOooOo may I take your order?" I'd say the workers could have done way more to scare me, but they were fooling around too much. What a waste of $7, however it was funny to see Vincent get mad at Mikey for clinging onto his shirt and being scared. Mikey ripped a hole in Vincent's shirt.
After that we went to go walk on the beach. The atmosphere was really nice. Especially the water was warmer than normal and I just liked how it was dark and the light from the stores were shining onto the beach. It was just cozy. Surrounded by light from stores and light from sky, at the same time being dark? Actually I don't remember if I saw many stars, but I admired the atmosphere created by the store lights. It seemed that the massive sea wasn't a sea of darkness and mystery, rather it was a protecting front from the rest of the world...if that makes sense. We would just stand at the shore and feel the waves a little bit pulling us deeper into the sand. We then took pictures by an unoccupied (vacant?) lifeguard seat haha.
Later on we went to Häagen-Dazs and some of us ate some milkshakes and smoothies. Mikey order one for me and him and then we were all just talking so much like about food and stuff (how Angel worked at Yogiberry) that he almost didn't pay haha. Awkward...
We all then went back to the hotel and took showers. We then played mahjong and Lee and Minsung finally arrived. We hung out for a bit until 3:30 am...learning and playing mahjong...
We woke up around 5 am...or maybe it was 5:30 and had like two hours of sleep. I felt like I had slept for four hours, but Vincent and a couple other people kept saying how they felt like they felt like they just closed their eyes and then had to wake up. I didn't want to say anything about how much rest I felt I got...haha
I rode with Wilkin and it was really tough to find parking, we missed the sunrise. However, we found a really nice spot where it was really open and it was basically just us on the beach. I liked being able to see the sun without having my eyes hurt. The beach was nice too, there were not that many waves and it is always nice just feeling the water on my feet. The sky was beautiful =] Clouds always remind me of paintings...weird ironic, just goes to show how "civilized" we are...
We then all went to head back to sleep. We first went to get free complimentary breakfast and then me, Vincent, and Mikey stayed at the breakfast place of the hotel and just talked about how we were incoming sophomores. We then went back to our rooms. Jarren and Minsung were fast asleep in our rooms and me and Vincent couldn't go back to sleep so we just watched TV and played cards. Jarren and Minsung woke up soon enough.
Get this...these two people were the first ones to sleep. Minsung, because he was tired from driving, kept saying, "oo mann o mann" when he arrived haha but yea I don't blame him. Jarren wanted to sleep because he didn't feel like playing mahjong. So Jarren and Minsung went to sleep first as in not 3am, then they didn't want to wake up for the sunrise, so they slept even more. Jarren was boasting, "Man I got 6 hours of sleep while on vacation!" They went to go eat breakfast before it closed. Me and Vincent then just watched TV and did whatever. I think we were watching videos on my iTouch. Jarren and Minsung then arrived and Minsung went back to sleep. He didn't want to sleep though, but he couldn't do anything because everyone was sleeping.
Me, Vincent, and Jarren decided to talk about things like different preachers, such as Benny Hinn, different denominations such as Pentecostal and different ideas about Calvinism vs Arminianism. Jarren stated that depending on what you believe, you can be restricted by how much you can grow...with the basis that there are not many good, strong Arminian preachers.
By the time everyone woke up, we all decided to meet and do a devotional time. It lasted somewhat long. Jarren talked about many analogies about sin and the sand, walking away from sin. We then talked about open air preaching. I think we talked about our spiritual walks and many people that I talked to recently told me that they have been "spiritually dry." I'm not too sure about what that exactly means.
Then we went to Five Guys. Yes, again another burger/American greasy food place...we all got our food and then we all prayed together before eating. It thought it was nice...language and culture dominated our discussions. The whole time I was learning how to say phrases like, "what did you order?" "what are you ordering?" in cantonese.
A nice part of our trip...after we finished eating, a lady by the name of Kathy Goodman or Cathy Goodman? She came up to us and gave us a napkin with writing on it.
"May God bless you young people richly! Always...always! follow Christ regardless of the cost!"Jarren caught eye of it and me and him rushed out to go find her. Wilkin came behind too and ran with us. We saw her before she got into her car and she immediately closed her door and walked up to us. It was kind of weird...She seemed to have the expression, "Oh here they are...they came to find me..." I am glad Jarren is one of those talkative people because I wouldn't have known what to say to her. But Jarren simply just told her more about ourselves and KCM. She seemed really interested in us, but I can say, it didn't seem she was too enthusiastic about meeting us. She simply just asked questions as if she was asking for directions, "so what college are you guys from? (so I make a right here and then pass two lights?)" I'm just calling it like it is. But she did say some encouraging words (and these said with more

Then after we headed towards the beach. In the car I just kept practicing my cantonese with Vincent. We finally got parked and paid $20 to park somewhere for the whole day...amazing, again I use it to say, "man what a rip off." In the car was me, Angel, Wilkin, and Vincent. We all decided to go through all the stores. I don't know why, but we spent an hour just looking through stores and seeing whatever was being sold. We saw this one place where everything changes color when exposed to UV rays, or the sun...that was kinda cool. Then Suzie kept calling and telling us to meet her. So we finally headed off to the beach. We all had to pee though.. so we went to hotels and peed.
The beach wasn't as fun as I hoped. We just went in the water for about 40 min and the rest of the time we played games on the beach. We played mafia (amazingly Minsung was mafia for all three rounds) and some noun game me, Wilkin, Angel, and Vincent learned at Chesed. Playing in the water was really fun. I like swimming through the waves. It is almost like flying sometimes...We played with Lee and his board. We were playing some slap game, with the board as our table.
The highlight of the beach:
There's nothing else to say...haha
Just in case this video got deleted. Basically we buried people in sand. We buried Mikey and then Jarren tried to attract some seagulls by throwing a trail of bread to Mikey. It was just funny because Mikey couldn't do anything about it. He was stuck. It was just funny haha. He was trying to get out and kept yelling, "JARREN JARREN! Not funny guys, NOT funny."
We then decided to leave the beach and go back to the hotels. We all took showers, I think, and then met up to eat dinner. We all bought and brought so much food, we decided not to waste the ramen and just eat them there in the hotel. We used coffee makers to like get the hot water, and some of us went downstairs to get hot water. There were a lot of like wafers and crackers to eat too. I was playing with my cellphones ability to play beats haha.
After dinner/rest, we decided to just pl

Next came charades, which was fun and loud. Me, Mikey, Wilkin, Angel, and Lee vs Vincent, Cheryl, Minsung, Suzie, and Jarren. And these are the respective pairs for people who had to act. When it was my turn to act, so was Vincents. When it was Mikeys, it was Cheryls etc. Albert was like coming up with words for us. He came up

Next game was this post-it game. It reminds me of The Office when they had post-its on their foreheads and they had to ask yes or no questions to figure out what noun was written on their foreheads. Well anyways, it was really interesting and challenging. The funniest one was probably Minsung. He asked, "is mine an animal?" It was a seagull, but then next time he had to ask a question he was like, "mine's an animal right? Oh I know what it is, seagull" haha it was funny because he had such confidence it was seagull after only knowing it was an animal. Anot

Example: Jarren has Snorlax
Jarren: Is mine a pokemon?
Everyone: YES
Me: ehh well...ehh I dont could be...I mean sometimes...I most likely...ehh
Me and Lee: hahahaha
haha just because it's annoying to have an answer like that when you ask a yes or no question. Isn't that annoying? It just confuses you about what yours is. Me and Lee were doing that to throw people off and make them wonder. Even if its an obvious yes, we were cracking up because we would throw people off. But then of course we told them we were just joking. haha
After that night the hotel room was really dirty, so I changed into sleeping clothes and did some cleaning. After that we ended up sleeping around 3am. We all decided not to go see sunrise because we were all tired.
I slept with Minsung both nights, but when I woke up on Sunday, Minsung was gone. He had to leave early so he wasn't there. I had the bed all to myself. Then Jarren called and woke me up at 9. I told him to wake me up so we could go get breakfast. So we did. We went downstairs and there were so many people. I didn't want to bring up a lot of food because it would make me look like a jerk haha. So I only brought enough food for me and Vincent. Mikey and Jarren on the other hand brought soo much food. haha we left some leftovers when we checked out XD.
We were trying to leave the hotel at 11 so we thought about having devotions and breakfast around 10 10:30ish. So we anticipated that everyone would take forever to wake up so we decided to wake up everyone around 9:30. Everyone started getting pissed off at me hahahaha XD I just got so disappointed. But I can't blame them, they were tired. I was just pissed off kinda too because I mean I was awake. I woke up earlier than them and everything. I guess I was getting mad because they were getting mad at me. But anyways I decided to read Psalm 73. Then I decided to just rest and think about life and I think I ended up falling asleep because Lee was telling me to go sleep on the bed. But then I was telling him I was thinking.
We all ended up meeting at like, I forgot...haha but yea I ate some waffles and biscuit with sausage in between and a bunch of snacks. Then Lee wanted to try the noodles that I bought. Apprently they were filipino. So me, Lee, and Wilkin took my noodles and went down to fill them with water. The rest of the time we were just watching TV. I forgot what they were watching, I think Jarren got excited about ESPN that morning because he shouted it. So I guess they were watching some ESPN related stuff.
It was like 11:40 when we checked out. We all decided to go to the beach for Lee since he wasn't able to walk around as much. I rode with Angel, Vincent, and Jarren. Vincent brought his fm adapter so we listened to Jarren's iTouch. Since it was Sunday...haha...we listened to a sermon by Francis Chan titled The Resurrection: So What? I really like this sermon because it says,
"I just wanna ask everyone a question right now and I want you to all think about it, I don't want you to just nod your head and immediately respond. I want you to think about it. And the question is this: would you want to know the truth about God...even's completely different from what you currently believe?"Longest pause ever haha then me, Angel, Jarren, and Vincent started talking and were wondering if it was paused. But really...think about it
Would you want to know the truth about God...even's completely different from what you currently believe?Francis Chan also says this:
"I refuse to believe in refuse? What if it's true? I still refuse to believe in know why....most people's belief systems are based upon desire and not truth...every once in a while there'll be a person who pursues truth, absolute truth, and you can tell those people because they end up believing some things they don't want to believe"These are just the points that really stood out to me.
We all t

We ended up going to Burger King...yes...another...fastfood/american food place...
Hmm I forgot what we were talking about there haha but I was practicing my cantonese again. I remember me, Wilkin, and Vincent ordered Angry what's it called? But whatever it was, it was "angry" haha
We then left and were thinking about going to some outlets to go shopping, but it was taking forever, so we just ended up going straight to Honey Pig (gooldwegi).
It was cool, on the way to Honey Pig it was me, Vincent, Angel, and Mikey. We were talking about convictions. And I guess we came to the conclusion that its all about the person who has the conviction. Taking music as an example, if a person is not paying attention to the lyrics, then the song doesn't mean anything. But yeah, maybe I'll save this for another post XD I need to reorganize my thoughts. But yeah, it was cool because we were all talking about it together.
Ok..last part of the trip...haha

We finally arrived at Honey Pig. The inside reminded me of a lot dramas. Like when people go out to eat or go out on dates in the street. That's what it looked like. I guess that's what they were going for. It was like as if we were eating in the streets. It felt kinda dirty and the bathroom too reminded me of those bathrooms in the movies like when the characters are at gas station in the middle of nowhere. But yeah, I don't know what we ate, but Lee ordered. The people there made a mistake with our order, and then Lee was like talking to them and then it seemed like they were getting mad at Lee, but he said that no they weren't mad. Haha I don't know exactly, I mean I don't understand Korean XD.
But yeah, the food was good. It seemed like it wasn't a lot, but at the same time it felt like it was a lot. I don't know why I just said that. But anyways I got extremely full, and I felt bad when we got extra rice bowls. *shakes head* Everytime I'm with Wilkin, Vincent, and Angel, they always make me finish all the food. But anyways, yeah I ate like an extra half of a rice bowl. Something that I liked there was how they gave us like these huge lettuce kinda leaves. They would be like twice the size of our hands. Anyways, I would put meat and sauces and rice, and then I would fold it so that it was kinda like a burrito? or some kinda wrap. But yeah, it was good and apparently we're supposed to just stuff the whole thing in our mouth at once. I thought that was cool haha and then the meat was hot and it would like burn the inside of my mouth, that was not cool. But yeah, I think that was my favorite part of the experience, even though those lettuce leaves were all wet and my hands always got wet. It was definitely messy too (esp. i

Ok so now it was like really late. I think it was 8 or 9 but now we were on our way home. I rode with Lee, Vincent, Albert, and Wilkin. In the car we were just playing this game, kinda like 20 questions. The nouns that me and Vincent had to guess were like stomachache? and thunder? Something weird like those. Yeah, it was a nice fun game to play...relaxing...I really like driving at night. Well I like to be in someone's car at night. It is just so like nice, you can see all around you, but no one can see you. The dashboard is right in front of you and glowing and you can just look around and see all the lights.
Wee, I am finally done with this post. I was thinking about like making it longer with reflections on the bottom. That was the original plan, but I'll save those for other blog posts. This one is long enough!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that video was so funny!
make a lot of memories guys, those days are the best days ever!
a complete recap of the trip summarized in one blog post... wow lol
goood times, good times
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