But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus...

Life is full of ups and downs, peaks and valleys. What humans don't like about life...is the trials, pain, suffering, emptiness, hopelessness. Oh Lord! But if that's what it takes to praise You, to learn love, joy, peace, patience to love You, to realize how beautiful and glorious You are, to realize how much You love me, if that's what it takes to give up ownership over my life and surrender it all to You! Jesus... BRING THE RAIN! May God be glorified...May He be lifted higher!



Sometimes, things happen.

Painful things, a broken heart, whether it be because of a girl, a friend, or maybe a circumstance.

But these things are all circumstantial, and whatever the circumstance, Have Your way, Lord.

"oohh, here I stand arms open wide...oohhh I am Yours..."

My whole life is Yours
I give it all
Surrendered to Your Name
and forever I will pray
have Your way
have Your WAY!

Forever I will pray, have Your way O Lord, please have mercy and give ear to my words O Lord. Consider my meditation. Pour out Your grace and change my heart. I am relying on You alone for this for I am weak. To be with You, to praise You. Whatever that takes, whatever the circumstances...HAVE YOUR WAY!

Hmm, I just came back from OIL...One In Love conference over at Montrose, Pennsylvania.

It's really late now...and I don't know, I kinda don't want to write a long reflection/summary again...

But I'll say this...

This is something that has come to my mind. I hope it is Biblically correct...

For a while, I would go to church and retreats. I would see these people who are so passionate about God. When the Pastor would say, "Jesus Christ died for you, Isn't that sooo amazing?"

Honestly, at the time, I didn't think it was sooo amazing. It was just some news to me. I didn't even know who Jesus was, and I couldn't see Him, or realize His significance.

If someone came up to you and gave you a cup of coffee and said, "it's on the house." How would you feel?
That's how I felt. I didn't know that person, yes...it's a nice gesture...but what's the big deal?

And I saw all these people worshipping God with some passion. I felt like something was wrong with me. Maybe I am some heartless kid. I can't cry at weddings. I can't cry as easily as some people unless it were a loss on my part...(selfishness)

But I wanted to be like that though...Why? I don't know...it's God's GRACEEE!! WOO HOO!!

There was a part of me that saw Jesus, and was like, "hey there's something different about You"

When that waiter who gives the coffee leaves I said, "Hey come back, who are you? Something is special about you...I'll take the coffee, but I need to do something for you too..."

And so for some time I was thinking, "how come I'm not that passionate? Did I really accept the gift? Because if I did, then I would be that passionate towards the giver, shouldn't I be?"

"What is wrong with me? How come I can't be that passionate? How come I am still here unmoved? I want that...I want to be passionate too, I want to see the evidence that I received the gift..."

But I've come to the realization that no matter how hard I tried, I realized that I couldn't force it. I can't put these desires into my heart. The true genuine desire for God...I tried so hard to have this desire. But I finally came to the point where I was getting depressed, desperate and hopeless. Why can't I desire God in that way? How will I know that I am saved?

But see, I realized, thats how I am supposed to approach God. HOPELESS.

Hopeless not only in terms of circumstance, that "Oh yeah I have no money, I have no family"
not only in terms of sin, "Oh yeah I can't stop sinning, I can't find a way to undo my sin"
but also in terms of, "Oh yeah I can't love God on my own. My desires don't seem to be changing"

(Yet by my own statement, that's already God's grace. To realize my need for a savior, means that God is already working in me. Because if God wasn't working in me, I wouldn't care at all. I wouldn't be having the desire to have the desire for God. Unless I wanted to desire God for selfish reasons, spiritual pride?)

And see upon that realization that I can't do anything, I know have to turn to God for this. I need God to give me this desire. I...need...Him.

I am falling!! I NEED GOD!!
FULL DEPENDENCE ON GOD for everything,
TOTALLY RELYING ON HIM for everything,

including the desire to desire Him.

And God is more glorious in that. He does everything, He gets ALL the glory.
Only through God, only Him

This is something I never learned from church(or maybe just realized more of the weight of that phrase "depend on God"), I wish I had known earlier, but now...I know, (because of God's grace).

What do you think? Is it right? Does it make sense?