Hopefully this is just a quick post...
I just wanna record a dream I had last night...(it's not something cool, just something nice hehe)
Some background: Well, I am an only child, so I grew up by myself, just with my parents. The implications of that I won't go into. Simply put, since I was a little kid, I've always wanted a sibling, someone to play with mainly. I would pray for one all the time. But I gave up that dream when I became too old.
Dream: So last night I had a dream that I had a younger brother. I don't know his name. I don't know why he wasn't at my house when he was a baby. He was 18 months old I think, but he could speak english up to a kindergarten level. So I talked to him a little bit and he told me that he was raised by a different adult, although we genetically have the same father and mother. But that other adult came back to return my brother to me and my family. I don't know why. It just happened, dreams are like that.
Oh man it was so cool haha. We went to the mall and then went to a store. I think it was like a furniture store.
The first time I ever played with my brother: He would climb up to a high altitude near the ceiling and there were bars on the ceiling. He would grab onto the bars and jump down from the ceiling to the floor. It's not allowed in the stores obviously but a friend of my parents brought a cardboard box and set it down for my brother to land on. He left and I took the cardboard box and put it underneath my brother. He would jump down and land on it and then go climb again to jump down. I folded the box like two more times and then would just watch my brother climb and jump and just have fun. It was nice.
And then afterward we went to the car and my dad sat in the drivers seat, my mom next to him, me behind my mom, as usual. And then...my brother behind my dad. I was like ahhhh, my dream to have a sibling finally came true...
...then I woke up.
Disappointment. Oh well, at least he will be with me in my dreams =] hahahaha yea I know that sounds corny...ahhh I wish I had a sibling but w/e..
Thank you God for this nice dream =]