But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus...

Life is full of ups and downs, peaks and valleys. What humans don't like about life...is the trials, pain, suffering, emptiness, hopelessness. Oh Lord! But if that's what it takes to praise You, to learn love, joy, peace, patience to love You, to realize how beautiful and glorious You are, to realize how much You love me, if that's what it takes to give up ownership over my life and surrender it all to You! Jesus... BRING THE RAIN! May God be glorified...May He be lifted higher!



Sorry I do not include much Biblical basis for what I'm about to say(sleepy), but I have this passage =]
Question me with Scripture, so what I say won't be heresy.

1 Timothy 1:14-17

14The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

God is faithful...

I'm sure you can just say it and just nod your head. You can hear it and just nod your head..
But think about it...

Did it hit you?

haha sike well it's amazing isn't it.

God is so loving...
so faithful...
so patient...

People reject God daily. Not only non-Christians, but Christians as well. By sin...

Do you realize that God had to send His son Jesus to die for our sin, since sin is what separates us from God? Jesus had to die...

And yet we still sin everyday. We continue to do the act that separates us from God. We put up barriers between us and God. We load more sin onto Jesus's back, that each time we sin, God takes up His wrath on His son Jesus.(I'm not so sure about this actually)

If you are in a relationship, get this, imagine if you caught him/her cheating on you. Or committing adultery with someone else.

Imagine, and that's what we do everyday to God...

We reject and push away...we build up walls.

Do you get it? How would you feel if someone you loved started putting up walls, started pushing you away, started rejecting you?
I can tell you it's hard to deal with...

Feel it, God may be feeling this everyday, and not only that, but it's THAT TIMES TEN(or infinity) since God loves you MORE THAN you can love anyone else.

It is just sooooo tempting to just reject that person back isn't it. It is soooo tempting to just forget them and leave them forever...its soooo easy to stop being faithful. because it bothers me that much. That's how much it bothers me. It's a defense mechanism caused by my selfishness.

(check this out, how selfish is this, how jealous this is. ...This implies that you are greater than the other person. Why would you react like that? Why? Because it attacks your glory. It attacks your reputation, your PRIDE....This implies that you are what?...in simple terms....GOD)

Sometimes I wish I was more like Jesus so I wouldn't be bothered or discouraged, so that I wouldn't be tempted to just reject that person back....if I only get rid of my selfishness, then I wouldn't feel that way right?

but Jesus was bothered by it right? God hurts for those doesn't He? When God gets rejected, doesn't He feel that pain? So why can't I?

But I don't deserve anything. I am nothing. God is the most beautiful, most glorious, most holy, and he deserves EVERYTHING. He deserves the glory, the honor, and the praise, the worship. He is the only one who deserves to get hurt, He is the only one who has the RIGHT to reject someone back when they reject Him,

He can say those words and it would be LEGIT!

But amazingly....

God is...what?

God is still faithful...

Amen? Amen =]

"God is good and great and we thank you for our food, by His hands we must be fed give us Lord our daily bread. Amen."
-hmm..I don't know where I learned this prayer...

Whenever I pray for my food, I find myself praying this prayer that I have been praying for a lonng time. It doesn't rhyme...haha I think as a child I switched the words "great" and "good"

But anyways I'm not blogging about this prayer in particular...however it does seem kinda wrong to pray...when by His hands we don't HAVE to be fed. It isn't a MUST. But rather it is an expression of His grace and His love. God is expressing His love for us by doing so. We don't deserve food, we don't deserve anything. NO! but if anything, we deserve death and eternal separation from God because of our sin. "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23)

And just keeping this in my mind I just feel so blessed. Just recently I guess I feel as if like, total satisfaction in God. Like right now I just, I don't know. I feel like my life is perfect? and I just feel SO blessed right now. haha.

Perfect not to say that I got everything under control. Not to say that I am sinless. Not to say that I don't have struggles. Not to say that everything is going the way I want. Not the way I want. ME I wish I could double capitalize the "I" for emphasis. But what I'm saying is....

When I say perfect, I mean not according to the way I want things to go, rather, that things are going the way God wants for them to go. In a way, things are actually going the way things I want to go because God gives us the desires of our heart. Whatever God wants to happen, I want to happen to. Even if it's something that I don't want to happen, I want it to happen. Makes sense?

Just recently I feel so at peace and I know its not about feelings, but how can you not feel at peace knowing that God is in control and is holding you?

Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

-picture taken from

Just felt like blogging tonight...

I think this post is gonna be kinda short?

Change is hard to deal with sometimes. I mean change is nice. I once told Aaron about how things are going in my life, and he told me that my life is very colorful. And people tell me sometimes that my life is like a drama...(or maybe I'm just a great storyteller =P)

I think I'd have to agree with Aaron. I recently started commuting to the university, and I'd say it is really different compared to when I lived on campus. I feel more freedom kinda. Which is totally wrong since living on campus is like absolute freedom haha. But I don't know, I guess I feel more like an adult?

I just realized how much life has changed, I feel like I am starting different chapters. Life throws something new at me every time.

But anyways, this is not what I meant to talk about...haha

But yeah, it is kinda sad how things change. How relationships with people change. Especially with a close friend. When that person is not as close anymore. At times it can bother me, but I mean, God's love is great enough to soothe any wound.

This blog post isn't about change really, but change in relationships, I guess. That change, when you go through a time when friendship fades. The degree of pain is proportional to the degree of how close you were to that person.

Having that in mind, sometimes I wonder.

Some people in my church are starting to leave. Like as youth group everyone is getting old and are thinking about moving. It is kinda sad and I try not to get too close with the ones who are planning to leave because I don't want to miss them too much. =/

I guess that goes for high school too. One of the main reasons why I didn't pursue high school friendships was because I knew I was leaving them in 4 years. So I didn't see the point. I thought that church was the best place to spend because I would always be with them even after I graduate.

When I was in middle school, in eighth grade my best friend was going to move. It was kinda sad. It was a thought that I had in seventh grade too, because I was thinking about going to a magnet school. Just thinking that I would have to leave all my friends was kinda sad. I wasn't using internet then, and I wasn't too good at the phone so it was like I would never see my friends again....and that has happened to me many times before because I move.

I look at the seniors '09 from KCM and sometimes ask them how they feel and stuff. They say that they are still close with the same people but never see them as much as before. And I know Joe was getting sad about how he was leaving his new youth kids when he was going to Florida.

I wonder about my friends in college too...who knows in four years, all of my close friends now may leave and have their own lives. They might move to different places. And I might be stuck in grad school on my own...we might all separate

but I guess that is a part of life huh...things change...we are not in control of that, God is...

I've just been thinking all day today...
change can be difficult...friendship fades, people come and people go...

it is hard to lose a close friend, your best friend...and it gets harder when you see them everyday...