Sorry I do not include much Biblical basis for what I'm about to say(sleepy), but I have this passage =]
Question me with Scripture, so what I say won't be heresy.
1 Timothy 1:14-17
14The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
God is faithful...
I'm sure you can just say it and just nod your head. You can hear it and just nod your head..
But think about it...
Did it hit you?
haha sike well it's amazing isn't it.
God is so loving...
so faithful...
so patient...
People reject God daily. Not only non-Christians, but Christians as well. By sin...
Do you realize that God had to send His son Jesus to die for our sin, since sin is what separates us from God? Jesus had to die...
And yet we still sin everyday. We continue to do the act that separates us from God. We put up barriers between us and God. We load more sin onto Jesus's back, that each time we sin, God takes up His wrath on His son Jesus.(I'm not so sure about this actually)
If you are in a relationship, get this, imagine if you caught him/her cheating on you. Or committing adultery with someone else.
Imagine, and that's what we do everyday to God...
We reject and push away...we build up walls.
Do you get it? How would you feel if someone you loved started putting up walls, started pushing you away, started rejecting you?
I can tell you it's hard to deal with...
Feel it, God may be feeling this everyday, and not only that, but it's THAT TIMES TEN(or infinity) since God loves you MORE THAN you can love anyone else.
It is just sooooo tempting to just reject that person back isn't it. It is soooo tempting to just forget them and leave them forever...its soooo easy to stop being faithful. because it bothers me that much. That's how much it bothers me. It's a defense mechanism caused by my selfishness.
(check this out, how selfish is this, how jealous this is. ...This implies that you are greater than the other person. Why would you react like that? Why? Because it attacks your glory. It attacks your reputation, your PRIDE....This implies that you are what?...in simple terms....GOD)
Sometimes I wish I was more like Jesus so I wouldn't be bothered or discouraged, so that I wouldn't be tempted to just reject that person back....if I only get rid of my selfishness, then I wouldn't feel that way right?
but Jesus was bothered by it right? God hurts for those doesn't He? When God gets rejected, doesn't He feel that pain? So why can't I?
But I don't deserve anything. I am nothing. God is the most beautiful, most glorious, most holy, and he deserves EVERYTHING. He deserves the glory, the honor, and the praise, the worship. He is the only one who deserves to get hurt, He is the only one who has the RIGHT to reject someone back when they reject Him,
He can say those words and it would be LEGIT!
But amazingly....
God is...what?
God is still faithful...
Amen? Amen =]